20 October – 4 November 2018
We feed ourselves everyday. Chew the food slowly. Don’t look at the food on the plate all the times. Look around, have another bite. Actually, he is sitting in a park, not in a restaurant. There is no plate. He feels his teeth and the sliver on his tongue. Hips on the concrete bench. Stretching his legs. Flowers everywhere. A few faces flee in his mind that makes him feels a little sad. It is such a cliché to feel sad. He looks at the flowers. ‘Whatever happens, I love you.’
He is not talking to those faces that lingers on in his mind. Neither the flowers.
Something about flowers. He has flowers in a vase in his living room, under the sunlight that shines on the wall,
shaped by the window frames.
Interior advertisement
Looped video
Dimensions variable
Acrylic and emulsion paint on plywood, looped video
Dimensions variable
Images: Alwin Lay